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Crystal clear
risk management.

PIRM’s forward-looking risk management solution enables you to anticipate and mitigate potential risks before they turn into major issues. Our intelligent automation identifies organizational risk, while our control assessments and continuous monitoring of key risks help you reduce the impact of risk and improve decision making.

Unleash the power
of foresight and save.

Stay ahead of the ever-changing risk environment through PIRMs risk intelligence solution which identifies potential risks to the organization and highlights areas where controls are recommended.

AI powered.

Let our solutions handle the risk.

Reduces risk

of compliance violations


with your business


with your existing software

Forward-looking risk visibility.

Reduce losses and risk events with P-IRM’s modern risk management solution.
Intelligent automation to identify organizational risk.
Control assessments to reduce the impact of risk.
Regulatory insights and updates to stay ahead of potential risks.
Continuous monitoring
of key risks.
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